HOW TO DO THINGS WITH PERFORMANCE ART – Conversation with Charles Garoian and Ray Langenbach 26 October 6 pm

How To Do Things With Performance Art
– A conversation with Charles Garoian and Ray Langenbach

Professor Charles Garoian and professor Ray Langenbach discuss the topic, hosted by Annette Arlander, on 26 October at 6 pm in MUU Gallery, Lönnrotinkatu 33. Welcome!

Artist and educator Charles Garoian is former Director, School of Visual Arts and Professor of Art Education, The Pennsylvania State University. He has authored The prosthetic pedagogy of art: Embodied research and practice;  Performing Pedagogy: Towards an Art of Politics; and Spectacle pedagogy: Art, politics, and Visual Culture. with Y. M. Gaudelius.

Ray Langenbach performs, convenes gatherings, documents political events, and writes on education, cultural theory, performance and SEAsian art.  He is Professor of Performance Art and Theory, Live Art and Performance Studies, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki.

More information here

Miten tehdä asioita performanssitaiteella
– Keskustelu Charles Garoianin ja Ray Langenbachin kanssa

Professori Charles Garoian ja professori Ray Langenbach keskustelevat Annette Arlanderin emännöimänä, 26. lokakuuta klo 18:00 MUU Galleriassa, Lönnrotinkatu 33. Tervetuloa!

Taiteilija ja kasvattaja Charles Garoian on entinen Visuaalisten Taiteiden laitoksen Toiminnanjohtaja ja Taidekasvatuksen Professori Pennsylvania State –yliopistosta. Hän on kirjoittanut teokset The prosthetic pedagogy of art: Embodied research and practice; Performing Pedagogy: Towards an Art of Politics; ja Spectacle pedagogy: Art, politics, and Visual Culture yhdessä Y. M. Gaudeliuksen kanssa.

Ray Langenbach esiintyy, kutsuu koolle kokoontumisia, dokumentoi poliittisia tapahtumia ja kirjoittaa opetuksesta, kulttuuriteoriasta, performanssista ja SEAsian -taiteesta. Hän on Performanssitaiteen ja teorian Professori Live Art and Performance Studies –ohjelmassa Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulussa.

Lisätietoja täältä


PERFORMANCE ARTIST’S WORKBOOK! The book launch Wed 11th Oct at Muu


Pilvi Porkolan toimittama teos Performance artist’s workbook: on teaching and learning performance art: essays and exercises julkistetaan Helsingissä Muugalleriassa 11.10 klo 18. Tilaisuudessa kirjan artikkeleiden kirjoittajat Ray Langenbach, Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha ja Pilvi Porkola kertovat teksteistään. Ennen tilaisuutta on mahdollisuus tutustua Annette Arlanderin näyttelyyn.
Performance artist’s workbook: on teaching and learning performance art: essays and exercises edited by Pilvi Porkola will be launched in Helsinki in Muu gallery 11 October at 6 pm. The writers of the articles included in the book, Ray Langenbach, Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha and Pilvi Porkola will talk about their texts. Before the event there is a possibility to enjoy Annette Arlander’s exhibition.
More information about the book


You will find an online version here.

You can buy it here.


How to Do Things with Performance in Turku?


Last weekend we visited Turku; our seminar “How to Do Things with Performance?” was part of the New Performance Turku -festival programme ( Turku was autumnal but nice, and the festival as enchanting as usual.

I started the seminar with a performance, “Some Things”. Hanna Järvinen talked about the project Jeux and asked the seminar participants to do a walking exercise. Annette Arlander showed us a video essay, “Year of the Goat Revisited”. Tero Nauha had a presentation with the title “Some Thoughts on Actualizations and Becomings” and played a theremin.



Besides the seminar I had my project “The Nomad Library” in the main library in Turku and Tero had his performance “An Advent of Performance” in WAM (Wäinö Aaltosen Museo).



We were also very happy to have a book launch for our new publication Performance Artist’s Workbook: Essays on teaching and learning performance art (ed. Pilvi Porkola) on Friday at HULLABALOO – club. As part of my speech I asked people to actualize one exercise from the book. For this situation I chose Helge Meyer’s exercise “Walking in Somebody Else’s Shoes” (well, we didn’t have time to do it for 30 minutes, but already 7 minutes in a club context worked very well.)

Walking in Somebody Else’s Shoes
Ask the participants to take off their shoes. Let them put their shoes into the middle of the space. Tell them about the meaning of clothes: on the one hand, clothes have a practical need. On the other hand, worn clothes have a deep personal meaning to their owners.
Ask the participants now to take one pair of shoes from the middle, but not their own shoes. Ask them to put them on and take a walk for at least half an hour, preferably one hour. Tell them to do normal things in the public space, maybe going shopping or just strolling around.
After their return, do a reflection of the experience: did their way of moving change? Did they feel different? Did they think of the owner of the shoes?
Explanation of the exercise: on the one hand, this exercise has a body-centered meaning, which is important in the teaching of Performance Art (in my opinion). The participants create a physical experience, which is maybe even a painful experience. On the other hand, this exercise might have a more poetic value: the participants “walk in somebody else’s shoes”, which can mean that they change their perception and perspective to take an empathic position through the eyes (here shoes!) of another human being.

by Helge Meyer, Performance Artist’s Workbook page 113.


The first photo: Pilvi Porkola

Other photos: Jussi Virkkumaa


Call: Research Day 8 November 2017

How are things done, produced or effected with performance?

The Finnish network for performance studies and the research project How to do things with performance? organise a joint research day 8 November 2017 10 am to 6 pm at University of the Arts Theatre Academy, Auditorium 1.

We invite everybody interested in performance studies, research on and in performance art and live art and in performance as research to debate the topic in English or in Finnish.

The main speaker of the day is performance theorist and performance maker Bojana Cvejic, whose most recent work Choreographing Problems (2015) discusses the relationship of philosophy and experimental choreographic practices by analysing some central works of contemporary dance. Her approach can be linked to performance philosophy as well, the aim of which is to bypass and overcome the abyss between making and thinking, art and philosophy. (Laruelle, Ó Maoilearca, Cull, O’Sullivan). Cvejic is one of the founding members of the group Walking Theory, which represents the new critical theory of the former Eastern European countries. She is professor in dance at Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

In the research project How to do things with performance? (2016-2020) funded by the Academy of Finland we have looked for answers with the help of some concepts like fabulation, fictionalising, framing, reimagining and repeating. Fabulation refers here to the social way we are creating shared meanings. Fictionalising, on the contrary, is a mode of thinking which does not strive to any kind of equivalence in relation to the real or reality. Repeating with variation can be linked on one hand to learning, the stabilizing of impact, and on the other hand to the production of difference.

These are of course not the only verbs central for performance and performing. We invite everybody interested in these issues to ponder how and in what way things are done with performance. Our aim is to compile a thematic issue on the topic to RUUKKU, journal of artistic research in Spring 2018.

Please send abstracts of proposals for presentations, in English or Finnish no later than 9 October to


Annette Arlander, Helena Erkkilä, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha, Pilvi Porkola, Taina Riikonen ja Helena Saarikoski

The full call is available as pdf Research Day 8 November 2017 – Call

Kutsu tutkimuspäivään 8.11.2017

Miten esityksellä tehdään, tuotetaan, ja aiheutetaan? 

Esitystutkimuksen verkoston ja Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä –tutkimushankkeen yhteinen tutkimuspäivä 8.11.2017 klo 10-18 Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulussa, Auditorio 1.

Kutsumme kaikki esitystutkimuksesta, performanssin tai esitystaiteen tutkimuksesta, ja esityksellä tai esittämällä tutkimisesta mukaan keskustelemaan aiheesta englanniksi ja suomeksi. Tutkimuspäivän pääpuhujaksi olemme kutsuneet esitysteoreetikko ja esitysten tekijä Bojana Cvejicin, jonka tuorein teos Choreographing Problems (2015) käsittelee filosofian ja kokeellisten koreografisten käytäntöjen suhdetta analysoimalla muutamia keskeisiä nykytanssin teoksia. Hänen lähestymistapansa voi kytkeä myös performanssifilosofiaan, jonka pyrkimyksenä on ohittaa ja ylittää tekemisen ja ajattelemisen, taiteen ja filosofian kuilu. (Laruelle, Ó Maoilearca, Cull, O’Sullivan). Cvejic on yksi Walking Theory ryhmän perustajista, joka edustaa uutta entisten itä-Euroopan maiden kriittistä teoriaa. Hän on Oslon Taideakatemian tanssitaiteen professori.

Suomen Akatemian tutkimushankkeessa Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä? (2016-2020) olemme etsineet vastausta muutamien käsitteiden kautta, kuten fabulaatio, fiktiointi, kehystäminen, uudelleenkuvittelu ja toistaminen. Fabulointi viitta tässä sosiaaliseen tapaan jolla luomme yhteisiä merkityksiä. Fiktiointi sen sijaan on ajattelun muoto, joka ei pyri minkäänlaiseen vastaavuuteen todellisen tai reaalisen suhteen. Toistaminen varioimalla kytkeytyy yhtäältä oppimiseen, vaikutusten vakiintumiseen, toisaalta erojen tuottamiseen.

Nämä eivät tietenkään ole ainoat esityksille ja esittämiselle keskeiset verbit. Kutsumme kaikki aiheesta kiinnostuneet pohtimaan, miten ja millä tavoin esityksellä tehdään. Tavoitteena on koota aiheesta teemanumero RUUKKUun, vertaisarvioituun taiteellisen tutkimuksen kausijulkaisuun keväällä 2018.

Lyhyet tiivistelmät alustuksista, englanniksi tai suomeksi, pyydetään lähettämään 9.10. mennessä osoitteella


Annette Arlander, Helena Erkkilä, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha, Pilvi Porkola, Taina Riikonen ja Helena Saarikoski

Laajempi kutsu taustoineen luettavissa pdf-muodossa esitystutkimuspäivä 8-11-2017

How to Do Things with Performance in São Paulo?


The research group participated in the IFTR conference Unstable Geographies: Multiple Theatricalities 10.-14.7.2017 in São Paulo, Brazil.

On Tuesday 11th July 11.7. Tero Nauha, Annette Arlander ja Hanna Järvinen had a panel titled  ”Performance Philosophy”.

Tero Nauha: The Unstable ’Fictioning’ in Performance and Philosophy.

Annette Arlander: How to Do Things by Performing with Plants?

Hanna Järvinen: On the Historical Materiality of Performance, Past and Present.

My paper was on Thursday:  Library Essays – from Representations of Space to Performative Space. Beside of that I had a performance installation The Nomad Library in the yard of the University on Wednesday.

With Tero and Annette we also participated in the “Performance as Research” working group meetings. There were 20-30 artistic researchers from all over the world. The idea of the working group was to share methods of practice as research by doing. The following images are from the working group meetings and from the curated panel “Performance as Research” which was quite performative as well.





Photos: Pilvi Porkola and Elisa Band

Off-off event – Oheistapahtuma

Sao Paulon vierailun jälkeen, josta erikseen toisaalla, tutkimusryhmä hajaantui kesänviettoon kukin tahoilleen. Yksi haara rantautui Harakan saarelle, jossa eräänlaisena projektin oheistapahtumana ja sivujuonteena (miten tehdä asioita kävelemällä ja kuvaamalla kävelynsä) on nähtävissä Annette Arlanderin Cami de Cavalls – videotöitä 26.7-6.8.2017  lue lisää tästä.

After the visit in Sao Paulo, described elsewhere, the research group dispersed to spend some summertime each in their own manner. One branch was stranded on Harakka Island, where as an off-off event or by-product (how to do things with walking and with video recording your walk) to the project you can see Annette Arlander’s Cami de Cavalls -video works 26.7.-6.8.2017. Read more here.


How to Do Things with Performance in Hamburg – Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä Hampurissa?

The research project How to Do things with Performance participated in PSI #23 Overflow, the Performance Studies International conference in Hamburg June 8-11 2017 by joining the Artistic Research Working Group sessions called Excess and Abundance of Artistic Research with the following presentations:

Hanna Järvinen, Excess and Abundance in Documentation

Pilvi Porkola, Performance and Institutions

Tero Nauha, Thought of Performance

Annette Arlander, How to do things with performance – Performing with plants (first attempts)


Tutkimusprojekti Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä osallistui esitystutkimuksen konferenssiin PSI #23 Overflow Hampurissa 8-11 kesäkuuta 2017 liittymällä taiteellisen tutkimuksen työryhmän sessioihin Excess and Abundance of Artistic Research seuraavin alustuksin (otsikot karkeasti suomennettuna):

Hanna Järvinen, Dokumentaation ylenpalttisuus

Pilvi Porkola, Esitys  ja instituutiot

Tero Nauha, Esityksen ajatus

Annette Arlander, Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä – ja esiintyä kasvien kanssa (ensimmäiset yritykset)

Accessing Performance at Research Pavilion 17-18.5.2017, Venice



A workshop, a seminar, performances and screenings addressing accessibility and performance, performing materiality past and present, as well as technology and mediation of performance. Organised by “How to do things with performance?” research project with Tero Nauha, Pilvi
Porkola, Hanna Järvinen, and Annette Arlander.

Wed 17.5.2017
10-12 Open Workshop of Writing ( Järvinen & Porkola)

(12-14 Lunch break)

14-16 Seminar, part 1
Annette Arlander: How to do things with performance?
Hanna Järvinen: From Document to Performance to Document to
Performance to — What?
Tero Nauha: Superposition of performance?
Pilvi Porkola: The Library Essays – between different spaces

(16-18 break)

18-21 Performances and screenings
Tero Nauha: A thought of performance?
Pilvi Porkola: Fragments of Library Essays
Annette Arlander: Annette Arlander: Animal Years I (2003-2009)

Thu 18.5.2017
10-12 Open Workshop (Arlander & Nauha)

(12-14 Lunch break)

14-16 Seminar, part 2
Annette Arlander: How to do things with documentation?
Hanna Järvinen: From Document to Performance to Document to
Performance to — What? (a re-performance of yesterday’s performance)
Tero Nauha: Performance thinking.
Pilvi Porkola: Presentation of the online magazine ICE HOLE – Live Art

(16-18 break)

18-21 Performances and screenings
Tero Nauha: A thought of performance?
Pilvi Porkola: Fragments of Library Essays
Annette Arlander: Animal Years II (2010-2014)




HTDTWP Travels the World!

Our project is presenting at Society of Artistic Research conference Please Specify! in Helsinki on 29 April 2017.

We will be performing in Venice during the Biennale at the University of the Arts Research Pavilion’s Camino events 17-18 May 2017.

In June, we will present our work at Performance Studies international #23 at Hamburg in the Artistic Research Working Group.

In July, we’ll be in São Paulo for the International Federation for Theatre Research conference Unstable Geographies: Multiple Theatricalities.